Convolutional Neural Networks: Why, what and How!

Why do we Need Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) ?

Rajat Katyal
9 min readNov 5, 2019

The leading algorithms in today’s world which are used to solve the Computer vision problems are typically Convolutional Neural Networks. So what are the types of Computer vision problems or the applications of a CNN?

  1. Classification tasks: Telling the difference between a cat and a dog. Segregating 100,000s of images into specific categories.

2. Recognition tasks: Wonder how Facebook suggests the correct people to tag on the photos. How the smartphones use facial recognition to unlock your device.

3. Object Detection: Identifying objects of interest from a scene. Counting the number of cars on the highway.

4. Pattern Detection: Pattern detection has applications in Biology to detect anomalous or diseased cell structures. It has application in Manufacturing plants to detect faulty or damaged products.

5. Natural Language Processing: CNNs are used to read paper-Books or documents and classify them into Digital format.

So as you can see, the scope is pretty vast. Also given the vast amount of Video data that our society is generating, there would be a massive opportunity for Image/Video analytics based products and services in the future. Even the self-driving Teslas rely on neural-network training models.

What is a Convolutional Neural Network ?

A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a type of artificial neural network used in image recognition and processing that is specifically designed to process large pixel data. Neural Networks mimic the way our nerve cells communicate with interconnected neurons and CNNs have a similar architecture. What makes them unique from other neural networks is the convolutional operation that applies filters to every part-of the previous input in order to extract patterns and features maps.

Before explaining the details, here’s some History:

Statisticians and Researchers had been toying with the ideas of Neural networks for quite some time in the 20th century for the tasks of Pattern Recognition. One of the famous developments was the Neocognitron by Fukushima in 1980 which had the unique property of being unaffected by shift in position, for pattern recognition tasks.

But one of the most popular research in this area was the development of LeNet-5 by LeCunn and co. in 1997. This was one of the first Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) that was deployed in banks for reading cheques in real-time. It said that the LeNet-5 read over a million cheques. Although there were other algorithms Like Support Vector machines which were close to the accuracy of the LeNet-5, it was argued that the CNN speed of computation of was exponentially faster than other algorithms.

Fast-forward to 2010, in order to support the research in the area of Computer vision, ImageNet is born. Imagenet is a repository of large Image datasets and has an open competition each year to promote research. In 2012, the winner of the ImageNet competition was the Alexnet model by Alex Krizhevsky. The AlexNet was a CNN model similar to the LeNet-5 but was significant in a couple of ways that impacted the development of AI.

  1. AlexNet, a CNN had an error rate of 15% which reduced the error rate by more than 10% from traditional models.
  2. The model used a GPU(instead of CPU) for computation utilising the Nvidia CUDA platform making it much faster than a CPU-trained models.
  3. After that year, all winners were CNN models with usually a deeper model architectures.

After this the popular events have been the development of Tensor FLow which is a free and open-source software library for dataflow developed by Google in 2015. Tensor flow is very popular in the Data Science community for having simplified the Deep Learning tasks.

So How do CNNs work ?

In order to explain the working of a CNN, I would share a typical CNN architecture below.

CNN Architecture

There are certain core Layers in the CNN Architecture.

  1. Input
  2. Padding
  3. Convolution + Activation/Relu
  4. Pooling
  5. Flatten/Dense
  6. Fully Connected + Softmax

A deeper CNN model could have more Convolution and Pooling layers in the middle while having similar starting and ending layers. The final layer has as many parameters as the number of categories.

Input: The input is an image of a certain category. For example in this case we are trying to find the type of automobile. So the input is an image of a car. The input data is typically preprocessed to a multi-dimensional array format. So, if the Image resolution is 100x100 and it’s a colour image, the Input format would be [100,100,3]. Note that [3] is for 3 Pixel channels of Red, Blue and Green.

Padding: A padding layer is typically added to ensure that the outer boundaries of the input layer doesn’t lose its features when the convolution operation is applied. It is also done to adjust the size of the input. So in most cases a Zero Padding is applied, i.e. just adding a black space on the boundaries. So a ZeroPadding of [2,2,3] would apply a black space on the input and change the input shape to [104,104,3]. Typically, a padding is done before every convolutional layer.

Convolution of 3x3 Filter on 5x5 input image

Convolution: This is an interesting operation that works by taking a ‘Feature map’ or say a 3x3 filter and applying it on every part of the input image. Here applying means doing an arithmetic operation explained below. The result of the operation is stored as a value for the next layer. This operation is repeated across the input image by Convolving the Filter.

5x5 Input matrix and 3x3 Filter matrix

The matrix multiplication process: Imagine we have a 5x5 input image and a 3x3 Filter. The input image has fixed values, say between 0 and 1 and the filter values are chosen by us to detect some features. Now the matrix multiplication works by applying the Filter over the Input and doing a multiplication of the two matrices, then and adding

Convolution of 3x3 filter on 5x5 input.

the numbers. This final number is the result for the first cell. Then this is repeated for the entire input image by convolving the filter along the input. Here you can see how the filter convolves along the Input Image and the value of the operation performed is stored as the output.

Different Filters resulting in different feature maps

Why do we do this ?

Basically, this operation helps in detecting features among the input image. The ‘Feature Map’ (Filter) matrix with different values can detect different features. For example on the left side you can see some values of this 3x3 matrix and how changing it can result in completely different outputs features. You can Image this as the Instagram filters that you maybe familiar with. A Convolution layer can have a number of Feature Maps(or Filters) in each layer and so can produce as many outputs.

Relu Activation Operation

Activation function (Relu): After applying the convolutional function, a non-linearity is added to the output. Typically, this is done by the Rectified Linear Unit (Relu) Activation function. You can think of this as passing only the positive values to the output while changing the negative values to 0. There are other forms of Activation functions as well like Sigmoid, Tanh and Softmax. A detailed note about activation functions can be found here.

Pooling: Pooling is an operation which has two main impacts:

  1. It reduces the dimensions of the feature maps, so lesser parameters are faster to compute in following layers. Hence, it is also known as a down-sampling layer.
  2. It highlights the importance of the features.

There are a few pooling operations which are popular: Average pooling, Max pooling and Sum Pooling. Out of these max pooling is most widely used.

Max Pooling with Stride=2

Stride: Stride is the way the convolution works in both convolution and pooling layers. Notice that in the convolution layer the filters moved Only 1 step to the right and 1 step to the bottom. That is because the stride was 1 in the convolution step. In the Pooling step, the 2x2 filter moved 2 steps to the right and 2 steps to the bottom. This is because our stride was 2. If in pooling were to apply the 2x2 filter on the 4x4 input with stride=1, then the Pooled feature map would have had a 3x3 dimension.

Below is a formula that you can refer to calculate Output dimensions:

output_with_stride = floor((input + 2*pad - filter) / stride) + 1

Flatten: The flatten layer basically takes the current pooling layer output and it converts it into the format which is required for the Fully connected layer. The fully connected layer is an artificial neural network in itself and requires a specific input.

Fully Connected and Softmax (Activation):

The initial convolution layers help in detecting low level features like edges. When we pass these again into convolutional layers, higher level features (For example: nose or ears) are detected.

The fully connected layer is the final piece of the puzzle. It basically takes the high level feature maps(nose, ears, etc.) as the input and decides what the output category would be.

This is basically a multi-level Perceptron network that identifies which weights are more likely to contribute to the which outputs. This is done when we train the model with a lot of images, it is able to decide which attributes associate more with which categories. It is fully connected as every neuron in the previous layer is connected to every neuron in the next layer.

The fully connected layer has a Softmax Activation function at the end which ensures that the sum of output probabilities from the Fully Connected Layer is 1. This is the final step of the classifier and decides the output.

Alright then!

You have learnt how a Convolutional Neural Network works! Of course this was just the basic overview of CNNs. If you are interested in knowing more about the actual implementation of a CNN, I could recomend a couple of resources:

  1. CNN for Computer Vision by Stanford
  2. DeepLearnign.AI

In terms of Frameworks to actually build a CNN, there are 3 very popular ones and you can use them in Python among other languages:

  1. TensorFlow (by google)
  2. Keras
  3. Pytorch (by facebook)

Personal Work:

I recently had a computer vision project with about 100,00 images to be categorized into 15 categories. This was a classification task and I used a CNN model to classify the images. Although I cannot share the Images, I have shared a link to the Code below if you would like to take a look.


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