How to Customize the look of your site with custom scrollbars.

Daniel Ngozika
5 min readMay 26, 2020

CSS-TRICKS, Slack, Figma, cool portfolio sites. These are some examples of websites and web applications that have custom scrollbars.

Let’s face it, default browser scrollbars look ugly, especially in elements with scrollable content within the main page, those ones that don’t get to the edge of the browser (no pun intended).

To add that final pop to your already beautiful-looking site (I’m hoping), we will explore three possible ways that you can achieve a custom scrollbar.

1. Using the -webkit vendor prefix

This is really the only sure no-JS-library way to style the scrollbar. Unfortunately, it targets only Webkit and Blink-based browsers. So, this won’t work on Firefox.

There are seven parts of the scrollbar that you can target using the webkit vendor prefix.

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(a) ::-webkit-scrollbar

This targets the entire scrollbar and is a good place to set the width of the bar.

An example with the width of a scrollbar set to 5 pixels using ::-webkit-scrollbar syntax.
The scrollbar width of a form with class “form” set to 5px.

(b) ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb

This targets the draggable scrolling handle.

The thumb of a scrollbar.
Styling of the scrollbar-thumb using the webkit pseudo-selector.

( c) ::-webkit-scrollbar-track

This targets the entire space on which the thumb can glide over.

A label of the scrollbar-track

(d) ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece

This targets the part of the track not covered by the scrollbar-thumb or handle.

A label of the scrollbar-track-piece

(e) ::webkit-scrollbar-button

This targets the buttons with arrow marks pointing up and down on the scrollbar.

A label of the scrollbar-button.
A scrollbar-button is given a grey background-color using -webkit CSS selector.

I, however, rarely style the buttons in actual projects. I find not doing so more aesthetically pleasing.

(f) ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner

This targets the usually bottom-right corner where the horizontal and vertical scrollbars meet.

A CSS code giving a scrollbar-corner a background color of red using the webkit syntax.

(g) ::-webkit-resizer

This targets the draggable handle found at the bottom of some elements (like Textarea) meant for resizing.

The code looks like this:

CSS code setting the background color of a resize handle to red using the webkit pseudo syntax.

However, This no longer works in Chrome.

How you go about styling these is only limited by your imagination… and the laws of CSS.

Note: Although in my code samples, the ::-webkit is attached to a class, it doesn’t have to be attached to anything. You can write the code as below and every element with overflowing content will have the scrollbar styled so. This also applies to the other -webkit-scrollbar selectors.

CSS code giving the width and height of a scrollbar 5px respectively, using the -webkit pseudo syntax.

2. Using scrollbar-color and scrollbar-width

As mentioned in the first method, Firefox doesn’t support the ::-webkit-scrollbar… syntax. However, there are moves to come up with a standardized way of styling scrollbars across browsers. Those moves gave birth to scrollbar-color and scrollbar-width which are already supported by Firefox.


It sets the colour of both the scrollbar-thumb and the scrollbar-track and can accept four values. They are:

auto: renders the default browser scrollbar.

light: the browser renders light scrollbars.

dark: the browser renders dark scrollbars

<color>: Takes two values. The first targets the scrollbar-thumb and the second target the scrollbar-track. All CSS colour formats are accepted.


It sets the width or the thickness of the scrollbar. It can be set to :

auto: renders the default browser scrollbar width,

thin: a thinner-than-default width determined by the user’s browser, and

none: no scrollbar is shown but the element is still scrollable.

CSS code setting the html scrollbar width and scrollbar colour with the to-be standardized scrollbar styling syntax.
The scrollbar-color and scrollbar-width in use.

Note: scrollbar-width and scrollbar-color are part of CSS Working Group’s Scrollbars Module Level 1 draft and are currently only supported in Firefox. The ideal thing to do is to combine method 1 and 2 from above to cover both Webkit browsers (like Chrome and Safari) and Firefox. See the sample below.

CSS code combining webkit-prefixed and Firefox-supported ways of styling scrollbars.
Combining both Webkit supported and Firefox supported syntax.

3. Using JavaScript libraries/plugins

If using JavaScript libraries as a solution for things like this is your thing, then there are over a dozen you could check out, some of which are SimpleBar, Overlay Scrollbars, and Perfect Scrollbar.


With these methods, your portfolio site just got closer to that one you've been admiring. If you need inspiration, checkout Codepen.

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Daniel Ngozika

An 87.8% Frontend and 12.2% Backend Full-stack developer.