Semantic Release for Fastlane

Versioning and release notes. Fully automated.

Jiří Otáhal


Boss: “Can you release a new version of Android Alpha?”
Developer: “ Yeah, sure. Hmm 🤔. Hey boss, how should I do that?”
Boss: “Just run fastlane android alpha.”
Developer: “Yeah, but what about version? Shouldn’t I update it in those Gradle files?”
Boss: “No. Just run fastlane android alpha.”
Developer: “And build number? We use it as a version code on google play.”
Boss: “Just run fastlane android alpha and let’s have a coffee. ☕ I’ll tell you how it works.”



Jiří Otáhal

#ReactNative developer interested in doing apps faster 🏎 and animated 🖼. Author of , react-native-material-ui and react-native-motion